
The purpose of the survey is to identify current perceptions and attitudes of employees about the organization's culture, values, work structures, communications and readiness for change.

Please respond honestly to the Organizational Effectiveness Survey (OES) statements. The responses you provide will be compiled with those of other employees. This survey's response collection system does not collect your name or any unique identifier and is guaranteed 100% anonymous and confidential.

  • We encourage you to answer all the statements which pertain to your experience within the Organization and/or your Department for the last 12 months. This will allow us to get a more accurate read on the overall health and effectiveness of the Organization/Department. We want your perceptions about the Organization and/or your Department, and not what you think your boss or co-workers would want you to say. The best way to do this is to mark down the first response that comes into your mind. If you cannot decide on an answer, go on to the next statement. Should you forget to go back and answer a statement, once you click on the "next" button the system will automatically take you to your unanswered statement(s) to complete.
  • Most people will complete the survey in 15-20 minutes.
  • Answers are not saved until the entire survey is submitted by clicking the "save" button on the last page. If you need to go back to a previous page, use the "back" arrow provided by your browser. If answer changes are made to the page returned to, re-submit these changes by using the "next" button at the bottom of the survey.

Thank you for taking time to provide your valuable input for this survey.

Please enter your survey code:   

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